<aside> 💡 Hello!

Here is a breakdown of where Host Genius is at with its organic traffic and what you can do to improve it.

How to navigate this document:

  1. Take a look at the snapshot section to see the traffic you are getting now
  2. Go through the Tasks page below and see what you need to do to improve your traffic
  3. Look at the Keywords page below to see an example of a keyword list / editorial calendar you can use for writing good content on a weekly cadence
  4. Look at the Content Outline example below to see what you would hand-off to your writer for each post
  5. Use the rest of the document to understand more about SEO and KPI’s you should shoot for

There is no “hacky” way to do SEO. It is an investment and a long game but the result is a recurring source of traffic for direct bookings and more clients that you can add to your property management portfolio.



Keywords / Editorial Calendar

Content Outline Example

📸 Host Genius snapshot

Where you’re at today

📚 Resources

Getting up to speed

🔦 KPIs

Once you hit ~20 good posts

✅ High level to-do

Tasks page goes into more detail